Nasturtium - Edible Flowers

Nasturtium - Edible Flowers

The ideal ground cover plant

Nasturtiums are easy to grow very beautiful annual flowers that brighten up every garden and call all the pollinators to the food forest.

Not only do they attract many pollinators and deter certain pests, but nasturtiums are wonderful edible flowers with a bright, peppery spicy flavor.

The green leaves and flowers of nasturtiums are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients, including vitamin C. 

Nasturtiums covering the ground of our Food Forest in November 2021

Their peppery flowers and leaves add variety to salads and sandwiches.

A Salad we made together with our nasturtium flowers

Nasturtium Flower

 Nasturtium drawing

Ground cover Plant Nasturtium

Red Nasturtium Flower

nasturtium seed pods

Nasturtium Seeds Close Up
Nasturtium Seed Pods

 September 2021

Groundcover Plant Nasturtium

April 2020. More flowers forming

Nasturtium flower buds

Our first Nasturtium planted in March 2020 during Lockdown. It was a very small plant.

 Nasturtium - great ground cover plant

Taking a closer look at the first nasturtium flower. Knowing there will be hundreds or thousands more covering the ground growing anywhere and they will bring the bees to the garden and protect the vegetables from pests.

Taking a closer look at the first of thousands of flowers covering the future ground at the food forest.

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