We are looking for volunteers who love to assist with the following Jobs in Plettenberg Bay or working from home.
Proof reading
We have lots of content on this website and it’s growing. Sadly I am not a native English Speaker :)
- photography of plants (we can never have enough photos of our dynamic food forest)
- drone photography and filming (we are located at an exposed corner hilltop, drone shots look sick!)
Garden and Garden Route Content Creation
- posting content to this website (come on, it’s a painful ass long process to grow food luckily most of them grow by themselves but an even longer process to build a website with great meaningful content and resources for people around the world). Assistance , co-authoring most welcome.
Assistance in sharing our story (how will they now? Nobody’s gonna now what we do) South Africa is far away from everything. Yeah we are better down here than the world reports, and the iconic place is more awesome than your fantasies wet dreams 😀 so keep sharing our story - build links. Write about this magic hidden place.
Link Building
Oh yeah most definately link building (Can’t mention this enough) Please link to us. You can have all you can eat cape gooseberries on your next holiday in return for links. Deal?
What we can give in return:
- free accommodation at la Vista Lodge (what? That’s crazy)
- free breakfast at la Vista Lodge (OMG! Breakfast with this view!)
- cocktails or sundowners (oh yeah I still have to show you our bar and cocktails! Homegrown mint - lol - of course)
- dinners on prior arrangements (okay that we can do for sure but hey we need to arrange - so please enquire in advance but the food is …I mean…will leave you speechless. Can’t beat that organic home grown taste together with the catch of the day.
1 comment
Hi Axel,
We briefly chatted (I can’t recall if it was via FB Messenger or Instagram) not too long ago about our “neighbouring” food forests. How serendipitous! I was JUST going through your web content now and thought to myself to make contact with you about having your site proofread/edited. Then when I stumbled upon this “Jobs” page, there I saw you listed proofing as one of your needs!
I’m a wordsmith by trade, specializing in polishing online content. So if you still need someone to help you zhoosh up your website, feel free to give a shout.
Kindest regards,
(Ons Kosbos, George WC)