Great Weather in Plettenberg Bay

Weather in Plettenberg Bay

What’s the weather like in Plett?

Temperature History in Plettenberg Bay


Temperature History in 2021 in Plettenberg Bay

(c) Weatherspark

Average Hourly Temperature in Plettenberg Bay

A lunch outside on a deck is often possible in South Africa any time of the year. In winter between June and August you can comfortably sit in the sun.
During summer in January until early March you would definitely prefer to sit in the shade during lunch but can comfortably sit outside for breakfast and dinners almost the entire rest of the year.

You can see days are long from November until March and short from around May till August.

If you want to see a summer sunrise you have to get up really early. Winter Sunrises are more dramatic anyway. Locals can confirm that winter sunrises are on another level sometimes of their own with reflecting pink red orange purple lights in the sky, the sea, the lagoon and everything else around you during golden hour.

Due to the fact that the sun rises slower in winter the sky show often goes on for hours twice a day. Every morning and Evening! Reason enough alone to visit Plettenberg Bay!

The weather is comfortable all year in Plettenberg Bay with Mornings and shorter days in Winter. If you wake up after 10am cold mornings are rare :)

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in February

In February it´s really warm in Plettenberg Bay from morning till evening. The view sometimes in February isn't as clear as in other months due to the humidity in the air but can be relatively clear after the rain. It won't be as humid as higher north along the coast. People escape Durban in February towards the Garden Route.

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in March

When people ask me for a time to visit Plettenberg Bay I often tell them: Come in March or April before and until Easter. You still got the warm weather and some long days without having to hide from the sun :)

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in April

I love the weather in April in Plettenberg Bay as you can be active outdoors without breaking a sweat feel an ever so slight breeze that doesn't make you feel cold at all and you can easily cycle up to the lodge.

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in May

Plett Weather in May is very much like weather in April during the day - calm and often sunny. The town becomes more and more quiet. Sitting outside is still wonderful for a late breakfast, coffee break or during lunch in the sun. But with a much needed rainy day every now and then and some beautiful cloud patterns may is part of the secret season in Plett. But going in the Indian Ocean you can feel it´s not summer anymore.

Weather In Plettenberg Bay in June

Sunrise in June in Plettenberg Bay

Sunrise in Plettenberg Bay - June 08 - 7:40 am
The sun rises far to the left in Winter in Plettenberg Bay close to Formosa Peak.


Sunrise in Winter in Plettenberg Bay - June 12
Sunrise in Plettenberg Bay - June 12 - 7:22 am


Clear Sky and typical sunny beautiful Winter Day in Plettenberg Bay

June 15 09:52

Plettenberg Bay in June with flowering Acacia

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in July

Cold at night and early morning, but still warm enough to do all kinds of Outdoor activities during the day.

It can get snow on Peak Formosa in July or August.

Aloe flowering in South Africa on 3 July 2016
Aloe flowering in Plettenberg Bay in front of Robberg Peninsula

 Sunrise in South Africa in July

Sun above the clouds 15. July 2016 8:34 am

Another stunning winter day in Plett on 27. July 2016 12:23

Sunny winter day in South Africa

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in August

Ideal time for wale watching.

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in September

If you love Flowers and Hiking , come in September or October!

Weather in Plettenberg Bay in December

warm and often calm sea combined with some light drizzling summer rains days feel just comfortable all day. Christmas with friends and some great beach times!

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